Sorry for my recent absentee-ism. I promise, I have a good reason. I've been busy. Planning a trip. To New York City!
I am headed out tomorrow morning with my mom and sister (girls' weekend!) to see NYC for the first time. My mom has visited a couple of times and thought it would be fun for the girls to all go together. I'm pretty excited. Actually, that is a vast understatement. I've been perusing food advice through books, blogs, and the internet for quite some time. I've come up with a list of "must do's", and "like to do's". Armed with my camera, an empty stomach, a mediocre-at-best sense of direction, and two willing family members in tow, I hope to discover some great eats and shops!
I promise to bring back some good pictures and stories. And if you are in the mood for it, watch for us on the Today Show on Monday morning. We hope to be in the mob outside with either a neon orange or green sign.
Back on Tuesday!